Child Custody Attorney
Child Custody Lawyer in Harrisburg, PA
Experience. Passion. Results.
Facing a custody battle? I Can Help!
As a parent, being threatened with losing custody of your children can be terrifying. You need to hire a skilled Harrisburg Custody Lawyer to advocate for you in court and/ or negotiate with the other parent if you are in this situation. My firm understands that losing custody of your children could be devastating. I am passionate about defending my clients’ rights to custody. I represent clients throughout Dauphin, Cumberland & York Counties and I am ready to assist you. If your rights to custody of your children are in jeopardy, you need to contact a proven and experienced child custody lawyer at my firm today for a free consultation.
Reasons You May Need a Child Custody Lawyer
There are several situations in which your ability to care for your child may be jeopardized:
If you and your spouse are separating and getting a divorce, chances are that the courts will need to determine a child custody arrangement. You may be able to work out a shared custody agreement, or the court may rule that one spouse will have primary physical custody, leaving the other parent with visitation rights.
Child Protective Services (CPS):
If CPS believes that you are an unfit or abusive parent, they could potentially remove your children from your custody. CPS will have to prove that you are unfit, abusive, or a neglectful parent to do so.
Paternity dealings:
If you are the legal father of a child but do not have custody because you were not married to the child’s mother, you may be able to petition for custody after establishing paternity. I can represent you in such a case and help to prove why you deserve to have a significant role in your child’s life.
Even if you and your spouse have not divorced- or if you had a child outside of marriage with your partner but you have since separated-there are child custody arrangements to make. I can advocate for your rights when it comes to these arrangements to make sure you play an active role in your children’s life.
In Pennsylvania, a relocation is defined as a change in a residence of the child which significantly impairs the ability of a non-relocating party to exercise custodial rights. A parent can relocate with a child if one of two conditions are satisfied: (1) the non-relocating parent consents to the relocation; or (2) the relocating parents is granted approval by the court to relocate with the child. The procedure for relocating can be confusing to a layperson. I can advocate for your rights and walk you through the issue of a relocation of a child whether you are the parenting seeking to relocate with a child or you are the parent who needs to challenge a proposed relocation. I have won over 90% of my cases involving relocations.
My firm can help you fight for your rights as a parent!
I am passionate about proving that my clients deserve to maintain an influential relationship with their children. Don’t hesitate to contact my firm today if you wan to learn more. With the right child custody lawyer on your side, you can trust that you have the resources available to fight hard for your rights. If you need to protect your right to custody with your child, contact us today by calling 717-737-3300 and or use our contact page to schedule a free case evaluation as soon as possible.
“I like that Attorney Galloway provided good communication from beginning to end. Thanks for all you did, your professionalism was worth every penny.”
From F.W., Harrisburg, PA